Our mission is to prepare Seventh-day Adventists for the soon-coming Sunday law crisis and to teach the everlasting gospel of the three angels’ messages of Revelation 14 through seminars, video productions and written publications.
We believe that we are living in the last generation, for whom the entire Bible has been written. Each of the ancient prophets spoke less for their own time than for ours, so that their prophesying is in force for us. The different stories in the Bible typify events that will take place at the end of the world. History will repeat itself. We aim to teach the scriptures “line upon line” in light of their prophetic application to the final generation. This constitutes the “present truth” for this time, which is needed to prepare the church to receive the “latter rain.” By understanding the spiritual application of these histories, we can understand what “righteousness by faith” means and enter in to the true born-again experience.